I run OS 9 and OS X on a three-year-old G4 400 AGP. It has a built-in 5.2 GB DVD RAM drive. If I buy a Panasonic 105 Super Drive, can I install it also as an internal, use iDVD to for burning movie DVDs, and continue to use the old DVD-RAM for storage? I.e., will the system recognize both of them? The reason I want to do this is that I keep all my backups on DVD-RAM and I want to continue to have access to them. I also have quite a few of the expensive 5.2 GB DVD-RAM media which I don't want to waste. If this isn't possible, could I put the old DVD-RAM in an external Firewire box, install the 105 internally and achieve the same result? I'd rather not have to buy the external box, but I will if necessary. Thanks for any help. Tom Kirshbaum