Canon ZR45mc question

Gordon B. Alley galley at
Mon Jan 20 06:01:23 PST 2003

I have a ZR-40. After examining the manual and the camcorder, it 
appears that there is no way to record to tape in VCR mode without 
using the remote, since there is no RECORD button on the unit.

However, without the remote you CAN turn on the pass-through mode so 
that you can import the video from an analog source into iMovie, 
using the camcorder as an A/D converter. With no cassette in the 
camera, turn it on in VCR mode, bring up the VCR Setup menu, select 
AV->DV Out, and set it to ON. Now, when you put iMovie into Camera 
mode, you should see the analog source video playing in the Preview 

On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 00:05:59 -0500, "Adam Gertsacov" <kafclown at> wrote:
>Is it possible to record from analog sources onto the DV without the
>wireless remote?
>It seems like it should be possible, but I can't seem to find the right
>buttons to push.
>Left the wireless remote in NYC by mistake, and I'm in Providence, about to
>go to Toronto....

Gordon Alley  <*>
<mailto:galley at>

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