Charles Martin chasm at
Mon Jul 14 14:28:38 PDT 2003

> From: Larry Richelli <larryr at>
> I have tried many ways to do this including exporting from quicktime 
> to a
> .mov file and then try importing into Itunes so that I could save it 
> and use
> IVCD to make an MPG2 and burn it to CD as a SVCD but it won't work...I 
> get
> no sound.
> I have tried so many different things I can't remember them all.
> Any possibility of doing this?

I have to do this all the time. Here's what I do:

1. Run the MPEG file (which is presumably "muxed") through a DEmuxer: I 
use mpgtxwrap (a GUI front end for some command-line tools) or bbDEMUX 
for this part. This gives you an MPG file with no sound, and an MP2 
file with sound only.

2. To remux these two elements into a MPEG-2 file, I tend to use 
ffmpegX. There is a section in the last "tab" of thte program called 
"video tools" that will remux your two files as an MPEG-2. Indeed, in 
the most recent versions of ffmpegX, you can even handle the DE-muxing 
it seems (I haven't checked that out yet).

Contact me offlist if you need any more info.


"Working on a PC feels like going to work in a starched shirt and tie. 
Walking up to a PC makes me anxious, almost like getting ready to take 
the stage to deliver a speech on a topic I don't quite fully grasp. You 
know what it is you need to do, but success in doing it is not certain. 
Working on a Mac feels like throwing on your favorite jeans, a pair of 
sandals, and a soft, well-worn t-shirt. Instead of sitting down at a 
PC, you climb into the Mac environment like a huge beanbag chair, 
squish around a few moments until you get your butt in that perfect 
position, and then let it all fill up around you." -- John Manzione, 
MacNetv2, 13-June-03

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