[MacDV] Recycling CDs and DVDs

Gerhard Kuhn gerhardk at mac.com
Mon Jul 21 05:26:42 PDT 2003

The idea is to allow movie rentals without needing to worry about  
returning the disks.  Great idea for travelers, there is a  
environmental cost but driving a Chevy Suburban 5 miles to return a DVD  
could have a higher cost.  Just think you will never have to worry  
about were to put your cold DAB again.

Gerhard Kuhn
suspice at hay.net

On Monday, July 21, 2003, at 06:17  AM, RRSounds at aol.com wrote:

> Article in NY Times about new format for DVD that will self-destruct  
> in 48 hours after opening the package. (you must be registered, but  
> it's free)
> http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/21/technology/ 
> 21FLEX.html?pagewanted=2&th
> What a waste.
> I know its sometimes heartbreaking to make a 'coaster' but we've all  
> done it. And there are those CDs that are old and scratched and  
> unplayable, and of course the hundreds of AOL CDs we have gotten in  
> the mail.
> But to create yet another format, and one which requires trashing  
> *every* disc almost immediately after use?

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