Don't count on it!!!! I am still having my AppleLinks blocked by them for over 2 months now....They tell me that it is because the server that AppleLinks uses has been identified as one that dumps spam mesages out everyday and that e/l's systems autoblock it everytime they detect a large volume of mail originating from A/L. I have personally gone up the e/l corporate ladder and been told..."Toughski Sh***ki" about it. Regards, Mike K Peter Tattersall wrote: > I complained to abuse at about this guy. His only > contribution to this list has been two different varieties of spam. > Let's see if earthlink will Do the Right Thing. > > On Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at 08:40 PM, Jamie wrote: > > > A friend invited you on a Blind Date! Everything has been arranged. > > Have Fun!