[MacDV] Progressive Scan

Preston PSeyle at mac.com
Mon Jun 2 19:13:34 PDT 2003

Your basic TV won't benefit from a progressive scan signal as I understand it.
You need an HD TV.  I know the progressive signal is not an HDTV 
signal but that is what I read somewhere. So most people who pay more 
for that progressive DVD player will not even notice on their old set.

You ask a good question and I too will watch for an answer.


>I'm a serious hobbyist. I have a standalone DVD player that brags 
>that it can play progressive scan videos. I have a Sony TRV-17 
>MiniDV camcorder. It records interlaced video. If I edit this video 
>in iMovie with the intention of sending it iDVD or DVD StudioPro and 
>then to a SuperDrive, is there anyway I can massage it so that my 
>DVD player will treat it as a progressive scan video? Would there be 
>any appreciable avantage to doing this? ...a more film-like look? 
>...sharper images?
>Any light shone on progressive scan digital video will be appreciated.

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