[MacDV] iMovie 3 Audio

Mark M. Florida markflo at mac.com
Mon Mar 3 10:31:12 PST 2003

How about the usual Mac OS X "cure all" fixes:

- Run Disk Utility and do a "Repair Permissions" on your startup drive 
(that's where iMovie is, right?)


- Delete iMovie and/or iApps prefs?  
(~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.iMovie3.plist and 
com.apple.iApps.plist -- note the "tilde" squigly character refers to 
your "Home" folder)

- Run the Mac OS X "Combo" updater for whatever version of Mac OS X 
you're running, or go up to the latest 10.2.4 with a "Combo" updater.

- update to the latest QuickTime (6.1)


- Reinstall everything (that's such a "Windoze" solution, I HATE that 
things have come to this!)


- Go back to OS 9 (that's where I'm headed).


(2 cents)

- Mark

On Monday, March 3, 2003, at 10:40 AM, Danny Grizzle wrote:

> Everytime I click the audio icon in iMovie 3, instant death. Any
> suggestions?
> I've already done this:
> 1) Installed fresh copy of iMovie 3
> 2) Installed fresh copy of iTunes 3
> Is there an iMovie prefs file on disk that should be deleted?
> Thanks,
> Danny Grizzle
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