Hard drive for iBook video editing

Randy Wilson WilsonR at fonix.com
Mon Mar 3 09:31:23 PST 2003

OK, the 20GB 4200RPM hard drive in my 600Mhz iBook (white/14.1") isn't
cutting it any more for video editing.  Yesterday I imported a
particular clip twice, and both times there was at least one section
dropped out, so I had to split both versions and put the good parts
together to get something that worked.

For around $150, I can get either a "Hitachi Travelstar 40GNX" 40GB
5400RPM internal hard drive for the iBook (and do the surgery required
to install it); or I could get a 100GB 7200RPM external Firewire hard
drive (e.g., the Western Digital one mentioned in deal-mac today).

I remember a while back on this list people were saying that FireWire
drives weren't fast enough for video editing (i.e., for capture and
export), but I have gotten the impression that things have gotten
better.  What is the consesus now? Would an external 7200RPM Western
Digital hard drive be likely to work fine for video editing? Would it
likely be faster or slower than an internal 5400RPM drive (i.e., more or
less likely to have glitches on video import or export)?


--Randy Wilson

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