[MacDV] Re: Where can I find..

Jim Heid jim at heidsite.com
Mon Mar 31 21:28:55 PST 2003

> From: sb <videovideo at mac.com>:

> I went to a tradeshow and the Apple person demo-ing Final Cut recommended
> his book. He (the apple guy) said it was the book that everyone at Apple
> used, that Tom Wolsky taught Final Cut at Stanford University and Apple sent
> their people to his class. I can understand why.

> I just looked at the DVD that comes with Jim Heid's Digital Hub book and the
> video is really outstanding. Very high end.

Thank you! In addition to Tom's expertise, we also have a great camera
person, lighting director, technical director -- a team of real pros.

> The only complaint I have is that the screen shots are sometimes fuzzy. It's
> mostly the wide shots,  the tight shots are clearer. Maybe it's better when
> viewed on a TV.

It will indeed look better on a TV. With all video, though, there's a
certain fuzziness to full-screen shots. The computer's signal has to go
through a scan converter and a TV just lacks the resolution of a computer
screen. You'll see this in all video-based (as opposed to QuickTime based)
training materials.

But as you point out, we go tight as often as possible -- close-ups showing
the part of the screen being used -- to avoid this problem.

> Will the new book have an all new DVD?

Yes! Completely new -- about 100+ minutes. And it looks at least as good as
what you saw.

- Jim

Jim Heid
Author/Host, "The Macintosh iLife" book/DVD
Off the presses! Order here for $20.99: http://snurl.com/x87
Editorial Director, Avondale Media

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