Those of you on the list who may have read, and been concerned about, a recent pair of articles in Digital Video Editing magazine comparing performance of Adobe Premiere on a 3.04GHz PC versus a dual-1.25GHz Mac and found the Mac significantly wanting can relax now. Sure, the White benchmarks were used in an inflammatory and frankly unprofessional attack on Apple by Adobe, but as of today it's pretty thoroughly discredited -- and we have the very same magazine to thank! Numerous allegations of testing discrepancies and other oddities about White's benchmarks have come to light since publication of his articles, particularly once people checked back on this guy's history and discovered that he's been an aggressive anti-Mac zealot from the get-go. However, nobody could actually dispel his main claim: that a single-proc 3.04GHz PC outperforms a dual 1.25GHz Mac on a number of real-world tests of Adobe Premiere. As this rebuttal column from White's own DVE colleague David Nagel shows, the problem isn't the Mac: it's Adobe. Go here and read the entire article: smack105030326.htm But for those who need the ammo right away, here's the bottom line: Fact 1. Adobe Premiere is not optimized to use dual processors. AP on a dual-proc Mac runs 11% faster than it does on a one-proc Mac. Final Cut Pro, on the other hand, runs more than 71% faster. Fact 2. If Adobe Premiere were as good with dual-processors as FCP is, using White's own benchmarks, the dual-1.25Ghz Mac would *beat or tie* the Dell Precision 3.04GHz workstation in *every test.* Oh, and while Nagel is too polite to mention it, I'm not: White "conveniently" forgot to mention that the Dell Precision Workstation he used is over $3,400 (a "650" model outfitted to reasonably match the Mac 1.25GHz, with the only "extras" being a RAM bump to 512MB, a Superdrive for DVD burning and Adobe Premiere added for video editing). Let's see, how much is the "expensive" equivalent Mac (the dual 1.25GHz standard issue w/512MB)? Why, it's $2,324 plus tax, and the Apple includes things the Dell doesn't, like Firewire 800, Gigabit Ethernet, and all those wonderful iApps (oh, and an operating system that doesn't suck). To be fair, the Dell *does* throw in MS Office and the full Adobe Acrobat. I could add those items *and* AppleCare *and* an iPod *and* speakers and *still* be cheaper than the Dell! Charlie White and Adobe owe Apple a serious apology for blatantly using "selective truth" to attack Apple and misrepresent themselves. And Adobe deserves to lose the mass exodus of video editors who are abandoning Premiere for FCP IMHO. If you're going to get into this game, Adobe, you'd better be sure your emperor is clothed. _Chas_ "The Box said 'Windows 95 or better' ... so I got a Macintosh."