[MacDV] Re: Sceeenwriting Software--Tools

Illovox Media illovox at oz.net
Tue May 13 01:55:38 PDT 2003

on 5/13/03 12:08 AM, Ted Langdell at ted at tedlangdell.com wrote:

> Screenwriting software is a tool.  ...
> In essence... why would anyone put themselves through the agony of skinned
> knuckles if there are tools to avoid that?
> Ted.


Let me also say that in my work, Word is just as integral as Final Draft.
The initial log lines and treatments are all done in word, which then get
imported (easily) into Final Draft.  In Final Draft, I can create the film
script, a theatre play, or a comic book script based on my exact short or
expanded treatment.  And if it becomes clear that the idea better suits a
novel, bang, I'm there again in Word.  Nothing like the right tools to make
things a smooth operation, no matter how many rewrites.


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