iMovie 3 export stutters to camera...

Sean spenney at
Thu May 22 12:57:00 PDT 2003

At the school where I teach, we have five G3 600 MHz iMacs running OS X 
10.2.6. All have the same configuration, however, one iMac plays iMovie 
3 projects beautifully on the screen but stutters when exporting to 
miniDV camcorder. The four other iMacs export smoothly as they should 
using the same FireWire cable to the same miniDV camcorder.

One other observation, when trying to export to camera using the ailing 
iMac, the sound from the movie comes through on the computers speakers 
and you can watch the video on the iMac as it is exported. When you 
export using any of the other four iMacs, you don't hear or see anything 
from the iMac during the export.

One thing I tried: I trashed and reinstalled iMovie 3.02. Same symptoms.

Any suspects? A fragmented hard disk? A FireWire hardware problem?

Post here or e-mail me directly.

spenney at

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