FinalCutExpress versus FinalCutPro 3

Adrian Smith adrianslists at
Mon Sep 15 04:54:51 PDT 2003

Hi all,
	We've had a copy of Final Cut Pro 3 for a while (bought on an 
academic discount) but have never really had a chance to get into it 
to any great degree. We also had an old copy of Adobe Premiere 4.2 
lying around which I just "traded-in" for Final Cut Express.

What I want to know is if there is ANY advantage to using Final Cut 
Express over Final Cut Pro 3? It is easier to learn in any way? Does 
it have any extra features which make it more "friendly" for 
newcomers? (like Photoshop Elements versus Photoshop...)

If there no particular advantage then I might try to sell the sealed 
copy on ebay. Otherwise I'll keep it and hope it helps me in my 
effort to move beyond iMovie...


Adrian Smith

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