[MacDV] Re: Happy Easter all!

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Mon Apr 12 17:05:39 PDT 2004

At 2:31 PM -0700 4/12/04, <illovox at comcast.net> wrote:
>  > Bar is simply the aramaic equivalent of the hebrew ben.
>>  (e.g. the Bar Kochba revolt).
>Cool, didn't know that about Aramaic.  Is that the case in Arabic?

In Arabic, ibn is the equivalent of ben and bar. Pedigree
names (nahsabs) usually follow the form of son ibn father and
daughter ibn mother--except for Jesus, who is Isa ibn Maryam.

There's also the Arabic kunyas, honorific names,  of Abu (Father
of) and Um (Mother of). e.g. Abu Ibrahim or Um Ibrahim.

-- Erica

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