[MacDV] Re: Happy Easter all!

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Mon Apr 12 17:08:12 PDT 2004

>At 2:31 PM -0700 4/12/04, <illovox at comcast.net> wrote:
>>  > Bar is simply the aramaic equivalent of the hebrew ben.
>>>  (e.g. the Bar Kochba revolt).
>>Cool, didn't know that about Aramaic.  Is that the case in Arabic?
>In Arabic, ibn is the equivalent of ben and bar. Pedigree
>names (nahsabs) usually follow the form of son ibn father and
>daughter ibn mother--except for Jesus, who is Isa ibn Maryam.
>There's also the Arabic kunyas, honorific names,  of Abu (Father
>of) and Um (Mother of). e.g. Abu Ibrahim or Um Ibrahim.
>-- Erica

Argh: bint is "Daughter of"


-- Erica

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