I shoot a lot of weddings and I always use a mini disk. I throw a lapel mic on the groom and tuck the recorder into the groom's jacket pocket and record the whole ceremony. It's funny to record 45-60 minutes of audio when I only ever use the wedding vow portion of the recording. To me having the clear distinctive wedding vow audio is priceless. Mini disc allows you to add markers as you listen so finding what you need is very easy. It is true that MD uses compression but it is not noticeable with the spoken word. Especially when you have the ambient audio track from the camera mic as background sound. I just run an analog line to my Delta 66 audio card and record into Cubase. After adjusting the EQ I upsample the audio in Peak and import it into FCP. I can't say how convenient this procedure is and I recommend it. Of course I haven't had anyone drop or walk off with my $500 mini disc player. I would recommend anyone buying a MD to check out the available features. I had to spend $500 a couple of years ago to buy a recorder that had adjustable in/out levels. The cheaper ones at the time only had auto levels. Keep up the great ideas... darrell padlesky edmonton