[MacDV] Re: OT - versiontracker vs. macupdate

filipp filipp at imo.ee
Thu Feb 5 04:50:49 PST 2004

I work in Mac Support so
software updates are very important. versiontracker
used to be my most used tool but after their
last design "update" I moved over to macupdate.
Also, macupdate has fixed their site as well -
alot of the info used to be outdated.


Donna B wrote:
>>On 2/4/04 8:41 AM, Video International at videoint at jb3.so-net.ne.jp wrote:
>>>How does versiontracker.com not care about the user?
>>It's not that they don't care about the user, it's that they care about
>>pageviews, banner ads, and pop-ups *more* than the user experience.  One
>>used to be able to download updates straight from the front page -- now they
>>redirect you to another page as the download starts...  Not to mention that
>>their site is an abomination of web design...
> Mark,
> I've found versiontracker increasingly difficult to use, so don't feel
> alone. The front page is a mess and I can never seem to find anything.
> I'll be looking at your macupdate suggestion.
> Thanks for the possible alternative.
> Donna

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