[MacDV] Re: AIFF Quicktime Pro conversion question

Michael Winter winter at mac.com
Tue Feb 10 13:51:44 PST 2004

On Feb 10, 2004, at 1:09 PM, Stephen Spector wrote:

> Audio is treated differently from data ... The limiting factor IS 
> time. A
> 700mb CDR can hold up to 80 minutes irrespective of the quality. IIRC, 
> there
> are some 90 minute CDs out there but they have no been universally 
> accepted.

Just to continue on from where Stephen left off...

So unless you're car can play mp3 CDs, you're going to have to break it 
into two sections for two CDs. In the case that your car does play mp3 
CDs, I think Toast will do the conversion for you if click on the 
"Audio" tab and select "MP3 Disk" from the drawer.


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