[MacDV] Re: Final Cut Pro versions

Scott M. Tolbert passthehatnews at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 30 08:16:52 PDT 2004

Apple said that a commercial upgrade installer would upgrade an academic
version? That is not what I've read on the web. I'm out of school so I am no
longer eligible for education pricing. When I was upgrading FCP 2 academic
to FCP 3, I was still in school so I went with academic full version and
sold the old version because I would have had to pay full price to upgrade.
There was no upgrade path from academic to commercial. I would love to hear
if anyone has actually used an upgrade version to upgrade an academic

    Scott M. Tolbert
    Withfeathers Trading Company
    withfeathers at pobox.com

    "Hope is that thing with feathers"

> $400 for a full academic version of 4... so for me it's the
> same difference to buy a full new version.

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