Audio Level & Titles over video

Randy Clark hawkgx at
Thu Mar 18 20:02:32 PST 2004

Working on my first home video under iMovie 4 and have noticed 
something strange occurring with the audio level of a clip that's had a 
title applied over it. I first noticed it when running a striped 
subtitle (about 6 seconds total length) over a video clip. Upon 
watching the playback, it sounds as if the title portion's audio level 
drops about 30-40%. When the playhead hits the end of the title and 
reaches the untitled portion of the clip, the volume level "jumps" back 
up to normal.  It's obviously noticeable just listening to the 
playback.  It became weirder when the exact same thing happened on 
another clip about 5 minutes later in the video.  I then tried using a 
different type of title, but had the same result.

Anyone else experience this or seen a bug report about this behavior? 
Apologies if this has been discussed. I couldn't bring the archives up 
to look tonight and was anxious to hear some feedback.

I'm running:
1ghz eMac
Panther 10.3
iMovie 4
Captured from a Canon ZR25

- - - - - - - - - -
Randy Clark
Kansas City

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