Converting VHS tapes through to DVD's.

Ian Tucker carlian at
Thu May 20 23:19:00 PDT 2004

Further to my recent queries on this subject my friend has been able to 
establish that he can stream VHS content to his iMac using his Sony 
330E Video Cam (pass through without using the camera's transport/tape 
system).   He has been editing the imported footage in iMovie and 
exporting it to iDVD.  Previewing before burning reveals everything is 
OK, yet the burnt disc has low volume sound where the bass is quite 
distinct eg wind noises,  but where the treble eg voices is low.      
If he uses his video-cam to record footage from the VHS tape and in 
turn, down-loads the DV tape to his iMac the end product viz. DVD is 

I seem to remember this topic has been covered before, but I don't know 
where to look for answers to his problem.


Ian T>

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