[MacDV] Past contributor

Lene Wangmo wangmo at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 3 11:34:52 PST 2004

Oooouuuuuuu, I WISH I could believe what you say, Art.  But the
fact is we've been nationally dumbed-down since Reagan began slashing
funds for education and cutting studies of the Humanities from curriculum.
We've devolved in 35 years into a nation of flat-earthers who are changing
text books to excise science and replace our ages of knowledge with old
superstitious ideologies. The population is now just too ill-educated to
comprehend the grand scheme of the Republic.  It's been replaced by
theocratic fascism. Just as one of the leaders of the evangelical movement
has recently said: Our faith is NOT a democracy. These well-financed
fundamentalists preach the  Bush doctrine from their pulpits.  People
believe Yahweh is angered if the parishioners don't vote for whom the
evangelicals decide should be their divine government leader.

On 11/3/04 11:11 AM, "Art Amolsch" <aamolsch at shentel.net> wrote:

> Yeah, but what do you really think, Lené?  :-)
> Recall that from time-to-time idiocy and/or amnesia overtakes
> the populace, but eventually the Republic has righted itself.
> The driving force behind the 18th Amendment to the
> Constitution in 1919 (Prohibition) was the Women's
> Christian Temperance Union, believers (or should that be
> "Believers"?) all. We only lived with that idiocy until
> the 21st Amendment repealed the 18th in 1933. Both
> Amendments required approval of 3/4ths of the states.
> In other words, there's hope. The Enlightenment hasn't
> been repealed yet, although I agree that the signs are
> worrisome. The irony is that the technology those of
> us on this list use everyday is a direct result of the
> Enlightenment -- the Age of Reason -- and has nothing
> to do with Faith; other than faith that the electricity
> won't go out before we finish our work.
> -----------------
> On Nov 3, 2004, at 11:40 AM, Lene Wangmo wrote:
>> Lan,
>> I'm sure you're well aware that Bush didn't sign the ban on assault
>> weapons
>> (only prez not to do so) against the wishes of ALL police departments.
>>  What
>> Trailer trash dittohead militia do you think he was arming here?  To
>> serve
>> what purpose?  I'd say Machiavellian-wickedness-hisself-Rove is giving
>> Crisco Ashcroft some domestic backwoods-troops armed to the gills to
>> put
>> down any domestic dissent that might fire up during their next 4 years
>> of
>> blatant Fascism.  Impoverish the states, bankrupt the treasury, no
>> jobs or
>> educational opportunity--hence jobs in military to populate the
>> military/industrial complex, increase in crime, increase in
>> chaos--sure way
>> to lay out reasons for total police state policies--not to mention the
>> profit component to stuffing privatized prisons full of slave laborers
>> who
>> will make the widgets of some corporation for 13 cents an hour.   We
>> are
>> America The Beautiful No More.   We are America the Usuruped by the
>> Neocon Imperialism of a fascist regime frothing up homophobic,
>> xenophobic,
>> misanthropic, uneducated flat-earth-fundamentalist idiots, into endless
>> war frenzy to enrich the oil barons and their crony war profiteering
>> corporations.
>> Lené
>> (a once extremely proud American who is now vastly ashamed that our
>> population is so flagrantly ignorant and therefore prone to this blind
>> embrace of fascism)

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