[MacDV] Can't render/encode my iDVD project - Can't burn project to DVD

Robert L. Vaessen rvaessen at mac.com
Sat Oct 23 10:43:17 PDT 2004

On Oct 23, 2004, at 10:41, James Asherman wrote:

>> I'm at the end of my rope. I can't seem to get any further...
> You simply cannot convert to VIDEO TS ( I assume you mean Mpeg2) and 
> then use iDVD. Doesn't work.
> You should use a converter or DV camera and convert to DV, then you 
> can use those files
> in iDVD.

I'm not sure what you're talking about. I took segmented VIDEO_TS 
(MPEG2 encoded Transport Stream) data into iMovie, and I'm taking an 
iMovie project file/folder/data (multiple files/file formats) directly 
to iDVD by clicking the 'Create iDVD project' from the iMovie's iDVD 
pane. iDVD creates an iDVD project file when you click the 'Create iDVD 
project' button.

iDVD will not open any .dv files. It will only open iDVD project 
folders (.dvdproj extension). I tried using iDVD to open the DV output 
from iMovie (which I created using iMovie's share function), the .dv 
file remains grayed out in the iDVD file open dialog.

- Robert

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