[MacDV] Can't render/encode my iDVD project - Can't burn project to DVD

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Sat Oct 23 10:58:15 PDT 2004

On Saturday, October 23, 2004, at 01:43  PM, Robert L. Vaessen wrote:

> On Oct 23, 2004, at 10:41, James Asherman wrote:
>>> I'm at the end of my rope. I can't seem to get any further...
>> You simply cannot convert to VIDEO TS ( I assume you mean Mpeg2) and 
>> then use iDVD. Doesn't work.
>> You should use a converter or DV camera and convert to DV, then you 
>> can use those files
>> in iDVD.
> I'm not sure what you're talking about. I took segmented VIDEO_TS 
> (MPEG2 encoded Transport Stream) data into iMovie,

Well that isn't right.

> and I'm taking an iMovie project file/folder/data (multiple files/file 
> formats) directly to iDVD by clicking the 'Create iDVD project' from 
> the iMovie's iDVD pane.
That part's right.
>  iDVD creates an iDVD project file when you click the 'Create iDVD 
> project' button.
I have had better success saving the iMovie or FCp project with the 
chapter markers,
quitting the video editing and opening iDVD by itself.

> iDVD will not open any .dv files.

Don't be silly. It is pure drag and drop.

> It will only open iDVD project folders (.dvdproj extension).
>  I tried using iDVD to open the DV output from iMovie (which I created 
> using iMovie's share function), the .dv file remains grayed out in the 
> iDVD file open dialog.
Try just dropping it in the menu window. hint hint
> - Robert
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