[MacDV] Audio Static

Wilhelm Wanders kaskudoo at gmx.de
Tue Jul 19 11:51:56 PDT 2005

that might be a solution for you: http://www.bias-inc.com/products/ 

it did help me big deal once ...

On Jul 19, 2005, at 6:47 AM, Jim Hebert Photography wrote:

> I'm using IMovie to edit and shooting Sony VX1000. In a two tape  
> video of a
> graduation ceremony, my first tape has a lot of static in the audio  
> but
> clean video. Tape two is fine. I used a single wireless Samson for the
> speaker at the podium and didn't change anything from tape one to  
> two except
> for the tape. I've gone to a special effect unit into noise  
> reduction and
> was able to muffle the static but not remove it. Can Final Cut help  
> any or
> do you guys have any suggestions. Thanks, Jim

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