[MacDV] iChat and DV playback

Gordon Alley gordon.alley at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 21:18:21 PST 2005

Not so strange. iChat always displays a mirror image of your video to
you, because most people are more comfortable seeing their preview
image as if they are looking in a mirror. The person at the other end
should see a normal image.

I looked through the pref files with the Plist editor, and didn't see
anything that appeared to disable the mirroring function.

On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 17:59:22 -0800, Lanny Cotler
<lcotler at willitsonline.com> wrote:
> I just discovered, serendipitously, that when I click the "camcorder"
> icon next to my personal icon on my iChat (AIM) buddy list, my DSR-11
> DV VCR plays back and can simultaneously broadcast it over iChat.
> Mirabile dictu~!
> But! Strange to tell, the iChat playback screen is a mirror image,
> flipped! How come? And I can't find a preference to toggle mirror
> on/off.
> Anyone?
> L
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Gordon B. Alley

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