[MacDV] erasing miniDV tapes

Brett Conlon brett_conlon at sonymusic.com.au
Wed May 25 18:40:33 PDT 2005

Heh, I do it all the time... you really shouldn't take what I say all that 
seriously!  ;-D

Narrr, I fugure, it promotes discussion which promotes answers which 
promotes further understanding.


Rauno Teravainen <lrdomus at earthlink.net>

You might be right, especially if the heads are not perfectly aligned, 
the other track  might be close enough for the head  pick up the sound. 
As I said, I am just assuming (should not do that on a public forum ;-)



Brett Conlon wrote:

>I always thought that the low sound heard on audio tapes during quiet 
>was the heads picking up what is on the reverse side of the tape. It 
>sounded somewhat backwards to me.

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