[MacDV] Mac dv to Windows Media Video

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Sun Oct 23 10:07:09 PDT 2005

On Oct 23, 2005, at 12:55 PM, Neil Poese wrote:

> Hmm - I saw MPEG4  as an option in QT Pro and wondered about it, but 
> the MPEG4 dimensions in QTPro are still only 320x240. Is that 'cause 
> it would be  expecting too much for CD throughput to handle 640x480?  
> I guess that's part of what I was wondering about WMV; whether it 
> would compress enough to handle full-screen and full motion. I'll go 
> ahead an burn the MPG, just to see if it looks any better that the 
> half-size QT file.
> Thanks,
> Neil

Obviously, a 320 mpeg4 will NOT look any better than a 320 .dv.
  YOU CAN MAKE A 720 mpeg4. !!!  I do it all the time.
Just load your .dv file into QTPro .
select movie to mpeg4.
  open the options panel.
select "Current" as your size. (and any other options that suit you.)
Viola. However I am unsure whether these will play in WMP.


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