[MacDV] VCR to DVD Strategy

Patty Winter patty1 at sonic.net
Mon Apr 10 11:09:21 PDT 2006

   >From: Nick Scalise <nickscalise at cox.net>
   >You could also just buy another firewire drive. If you buy a bare drive and an empty enclosure and build it yourself, you can get it pretty cheap.
I was going to suggest additional storage to Dennis, also, but I hadn't
thought of homebrewing. I know that when I buy a name-brand drive, it
comes with the right drivers for Macs and works smoothly. What would I
have to do to accomplish the same results myself? And what kind of cost
savings are we talking about? (The name-brand FW 800 drives seem to run 
about $1/GB these days; less for FW 400.)


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