[MacDV] Transfer of Home Burned DVD to iMovie

Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Tue Feb 21 00:04:06 PST 2006

Rip it to mpeg4 with Handbrake. Then edit that with MPEG Streamclip.
Taylor Barcroft
New Media Publisher, Editor, Video Journalist, Podcaster, Futurecaster
Santa Cruz CA, Beach of the Silicon Valley
URL http://FutureMedia.org
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barcroft (gizmo)
kungax (Skype)
kungag5 (iChat-AIM)

On Feb 19, 2006, at 6:05 PM, Juan M wrote:

> How can I take the DVD and transfer it to iMovie or Quicktime Pro  
> or whatever so I can edit it.

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