I recently ran into a problem when trying to make more than two original copies of a movie I made, which I had brought into DVD Studio Pro 3. I thought I could just simply make copies of it, and it would work, but it does not work, and that means I need to find the old completed file, which was a QT Final Cut Express 2.0 movie, and either take it into iDVD or back into DVD Studio Pro. I thought that there was a work around, but there appears to be none that I could find. The movie files from DVD Studio Pro are in two folders: one called Audio and another called Video. No amount of copying will make the movie play on another DVD. I had a friend try it, and I tried it, and now I have lots of coasters. So is there no other means to make a copy of a movie, which is burned to DVD from DVD Studio Pro, and have it actually work? June Parlett