[MacDV] How do I make copies of DVD Studio Pro movie?

Nick Scalise nickscalise at cox.net
Mon Jan 16 08:13:00 PST 2006

> From: JUNE PARLETT <jparlett3 at verizon.net>
> I recently ran into a problem when trying to make more than two 
> original copies of a movie I made, which I had brought into DVD Studio 
> Pro 3. I thought I could just simply make copies of it, and it would 
> work, but it does not work, and that means I need to find the old 
> completed file, which was a QT Final Cut Express 2.0 movie, and either 
> take it into iDVD or back into DVD Studio Pro. I thought that there was 
> a work around, but there appears to be none that I could find. The 
> movie files from DVD Studio Pro are in two folders: one called Audio 
> and another called Video. No amount of copying will make the movie play 
> on another DVD. I had a friend try it, and I tried it, and now I have 
> lots of coasters.
> So is there no other means to make a copy of a movie, which is burned 
> to DVD from DVD Studio Pro, and have it actually work?

Duplicating DVD's (even commercial DVD's) is not an issue on the Mac if you 
are using the correct tools.

If you still have the original DVD that you created, the first thing to try is to 
open Disk Utility, and create an Image of the DVD, when the image is created, 
you can then burn that image to DVD-R. Or you can copy that DVD to your 
hard drive with something like MacTheRipper <http://www.losprimates.net/

Do you have Toast 6 or 7? If so, you should be able to drag the VIDEO_TS 
folder to the DVD Video window (or some such - I do not have Toast at this 
workstation) and it will burn a DVD for you that is a correct Video DVD.

If you do not have Toast, you could use something like DVD Imager to create 
a disk image that you can burn from the Finder.

Lastly, if you want to re-edit the video on the DVD you could use something 
like MPEG StreamClip to convert the DVD video back to DV.

Nick Scalise
nickscalise at cox.net

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