Thanks a lot for your advice, Mike, and CM. Nick, I did as you said, I cut to the chase and I have Flip4Mac. Works like a charm out of iMovie andQuicktime. Now I'm fortunate to have a new problem, fortunate because it's further along the food chain: I've been requested to do a type of caption/subtitle that iMovie doesn't include, so I am using my Final Cut Express 2.02. When I export to wmv via Flip4Mac, most of the options are not enabled and the audio won't come through. Is FCE not compatible with Flip4Mac ? > > For that then, you have to encode to your audience, WMV. All Windows > machines can play WMV, just like all Macs can play QuickTime files. > > Buy the Flip4Mac studio that will allow you to export to WMV and be > done with it. > Nick Scalise > nickscalise at