Folks, I have an urgent problem that is making me crazy. I a trying to export a QT movie from FCE, just as I've done successfully, so many times before (as recently as yesterday). Only every time (about 8, so far) I do the export the movie has two empty audio channels. They are there, but they are empty. I can play the movie in the Timeline window and the audio works fine. The level meter shows a normal decibel modulation as the movie plays. The little speaker icons on the two tracks seem to be on in the normal manner, and when I export I am sure to note that I am exporting both audio and video tracks. I know that the two tracks are there and empty because when I open the exported movie in FCE I can see this. When I look at the tracks in the timeline window they look fine (and as I said, play fine). I just tried to export a different sequence in the same project. The audio exported just fine. I can see no differences between the two sequences. What am I missing? TIA, Carl