Hi There, Ever since I updated from OS 9 up to 9.2.2 Cubase 5 to 5.1 Reason 1 to 1.01 I've had all sorts of strange problems. 1. When I try to export a Dr Rex file as a midi file or sometimes simply load drum sounds into Redrum a message comes up saying "Out Of Memory" "The operation could not be completed because not enough memory is available" but When I shut down everything and reboot the computer it works fine. 2. In Cubase in the outputs column it will not save the different instruments I've been using in Reason. I have to reassign them each time I load up the song and it has no effect on this problem no matter which order I load or save them. 3. This is a strange one. In Cubase in the Audio editor window sometimes the Audio wave is in the wrong place in the bar but it's playing in the correct place other times it shows it self to be in the correct position. Before I end up kicking the shit out of my computer can anyone come up with any solutions. I would be very grateful. Marky