[MV] Comparison between VV & iListen

RJ Scott rj at rjandtammy.com
Wed Dec 25 10:33:36 PST 2002

I'm a newbie too.  I just "switched" from Wintel about 6 weeks ago.  So 
far so good.  Actually I'm still a PC user but I wanted to see what all 
the iBook excitement was about so I bought a new 800MHz iBook for 
Christmas.  So far I think it's a great machine but it slows down 
horribly whenever I try to do anything more than simple tasks.  It 
might be that I need more RAM but I don't know enough about the Mac 
system yet.  The advertised 5 hour battery life seems to be off by 
about 1.5 hours too.
As far as iListen goes... It doesn't work at all for me.  I'm not sure 
why yet but I'd love to be able to use it.
RJ Scott
On Wednesday, December 25, 2002, at 12:54  PM, William M. Beecham wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a newbie and have had ViaVoice on my Titanium 667. However I never 
> has gotten it to work well. Very frustrating. I have gone through the 
> teaching steps so many times that I have the text memorized.
> Is iListen any better?
> Thanks,
> Bill Beecham
> wbeecham at gate.net

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