[MV] Re: Comparison between VV & iListen

Camner Camner at iname.com
Wed Dec 25 11:09:43 PST 2002

I've used VV for several years.  I bought iListen a few months ago.  I
find VV much more useful at this point.  Correction, for example, seems
to work much better on VV.

On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 13:33:36 -0500, "RJ Scott" <rj at rjandtammy.com> said:
> Bill,
> I'm a newbie too.  I just "switched" from Wintel about 6 weeks ago.  So 
> far so good.  Actually I'm still a PC user but I wanted to see what all 
> the iBook excitement was about so I bought a new 800MHz iBook for 
> Christmas.  So far I think it's a great machine but it slows down 
> horribly whenever I try to do anything more than simple tasks.  It 
> might be that I need more RAM but I don't know enough about the Mac 
> system yet.  The advertised 5 hour battery life seems to be off by 
> about 1.5 hours too.
> As far as iListen goes... It doesn't work at all for me.  I'm not sure 
> why yet but I'd love to be able to use it.
> RJ Scott
> ______________________________________
> On Wednesday, December 25, 2002, at 12:54  PM, William M. Beecham wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm a newbie and have had ViaVoice on my Titanium 667. However I never 
> > has gotten it to work well. Very frustrating. I have gone through the 
> > teaching steps so many times that I have the text memorized.
> >
> > Is iListen any better?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Bill Beecham
> > wbeecham at gate.net
> ----------
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  Robert Camner
  camner at fastmail.fm

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