[MV] Re: Correcting Text - Voice command

T. Patrick Henebry tphenebry at comcast.net
Tue Nov 26 15:27:34 PST 2002

>Along the same lines, I was wondering if ViaVoice learns the same way
>whether you:
>1- Speak the  verbal command - " correct [THISWORD]" and then say "pick [x]"
>2- simply highlight the  correctable words ( with the correction window
>open) -  and then say "pick [x]"
>2a-  instead of saying the  command "pick [x]" - you simply  double click
>the favorite choice

ViaVoice will learn if you use either of the two methods.  In fact, 
both are outlined within the manual.  I have just tried 
double-clicking on a possible choice within the correction window. 
This does have the same effect as saying "Pick x".

>After accomplishing all this learning - I'm also wondering if the entire
>issue becomes moot if, ( as in my case and a few others...),  ViaVoice voice
>center eventually says that it has enough information to update your voice
>model - and then crashes as we had discussed in previous threads?

There's a point of diminishing returns in in updating the audio 
portion of a voice model.  In fact, under some conditions it can 
actually degraded accuracy (regardless of what operating system is 
being used).  Although I did do this occasionally when running 
ViaVoice under Mac OS X version 10.1.x it has been correctly pointed 
out that due to the audio problems under Jaguar it is not really a 
good idea to do this--even if the crash problem can be avoided. 

Instead your better off to manually saving each document and its 
associated speech data.  If you have the preference set to perform 
document analysis on save this will analyze word patterns within the 
document.  It also commits any corrections made to the voice profile.

You can avoid the possible problem with new words been found causing 
errors under Jaguar if you first open the Voice Center and click on 
the middle button in the bottom row.  This opens the Setup Assistant. 
You do not actually have to use this, but having it opened before you 
perform a save operation that also includes saving speech data 
prevents the errors that can occur if new words are found within the 
document.  Once the save operation is completed (along with the 
document analysis) you can close the Setup Assistant. 

Routinely saving in this fashion has one other advantage, by also 
saving the speech data the recorded audio is not lost should you need 
to exit the program and restart it again after ViaVoice goes "deaf". 
This way you will still have audio data to work with should you wish 
to revise the document or make corrections in earlier dictated text. 
This does mean having to go in and regularly clean off the speech 
data files.  But I find this a small price to pay for increased 
T. Patrick Henebry

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