>I was planning on moving over my user from my previous machine (a G3 >clamshell iBook running 10.2.1--which, in turn, was the user I first created >under OS 10.1.4). Any reason I shouldn't? (I haven't been allowing the >voice model to update since moving to 10.2). You could do that. But I'd be strongly tempted to crate a new user since you are moving to an new machine with dual G4s. The recognition engine in ViaVoice will take advantage of both the presence of dual processors and the G4 Velocity Engine. By creating a new user you get these benefits from the start without having to allow your old voice model to adjust to a new machine. Keep in mind I don't *know* what the differences will be once this new user is fully trained. I'm just telling you what I would do. -- ---------- T. Patrick Henebry