Finder Windows won't stay open when using Speakable Items

Pete Dako petedako at
Tue Jan 28 12:35:22 PST 2003


  I just posted this to MacFIXIT today... perhaps someone here can help?

Finder Windows won't stay open-> Speakable Items!

I have been seeing very strange behaviour lately, .... (jaguar 10.2.3)
Finder windows start refusing to stay open. That is, I'll open a 
window and it will suddenly close.
When I do a "force quit" in this situation the resulting dialog box 
shows me that more than one Finder is running... three, four or five 
even Finder apps appear in that box at times. The only way I can get 
rid of this behaviour is to log out or restart.
I repaired permissions on my boot drive from the OSX CD but it didn't 
get rid of this bug... eventually it starts happening 
again...originally I posted I thought it would occur only when i have 
classic running...
It turns out that having "Speakable Items" activated is what causes 
this... as soon as I quit "speakable Items" those Finder windows 
behave as they should again.... This is a real shame,because I had 
found Speakable Items was working so well in Jaguar, compared to 
earlier systems....
Anybody else seen this or know what I can do to fix it? (and still 
use "Speakable Items")
thanx, Pete

  >>MacSpeech  | 1.2 for $99 and try iDictate for Mac OS X for FREE!

i'd like to try iDictate but could not find it available seperately... is it?

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