> I just installed will was supposed to beat the ViaVoice 3.0.2 update but >when I checked the about SpeakPad it said it was a update version 3.0.1 not >3.0.2... I got this update from version tracker.com > >... also the voice center still says 3.0. > >Any ideas why this would have happened? How would I get 3. 0.2? This update does not change version numbers, but some ViaVoice related files now have newer dates. Confusing to the user and in my opinion sloppy programming; but IBM isn't alone in doing things this way. One thing I noticed immediately after installing the update was that document analysis on Save no worked properly if new words were found. Previously under Jaguar you would receive an error message related to Setup Assistant if you tried adding the new words. So this is one way to tell if the 3.0.2 update is installed. -- ---------- T. Patrick Henebry