Let's move this off-list

Sophia Grimm sophiagrimm at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 3 05:33:22 PDT 2003

There's been some discussion about accommodations for
people with physical limitations, and I think we
should move this discusison off-list.

I'd like to approach this more proactively. If you
have any type of physical limitation -- anything from
blindness to RSI or even chronic pain -- and you have
found a way to work around it using technology, send
me a message and tell me about the software and
hardware you use that makes your life easier. I will
publish this on my web site, and send the URL to

If you'd like to see a solution, but haven't found
one, email me your ideas. "I'd like to see this..." 

Please be sure to tell me whether it's an idea or an
actual solution!

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