[MV] Re: "processing failed"

T. Patrick Henebry tphenebry at comcast.net
Sun Jul 13 11:20:25 PDT 2003

On 7/13/03 12:05 PM, "Camner" <camner at iname.com> wrote:

>> Do you have the update to ViaVoice for Mac OS X installed?
> Yes.

Ok, I've had this happen once or twice. Once it does there's no way to get
ViaVoice to properly perform the analysis again unless you manually go in
and delete the current file containing the recorded speech. I don't have
ViaVoice for Mac OS X installed at the moment for various reasons. Give me a
day and I can tell you the file name. In the mean time just answer No if the
question comes up again.
T. Patrick Henebry
tphenebry at comcast.net

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