Greetings, I have a PowerBook G3 with a 400 MHz processor and 320 MB of RAM. I am able to run ViaVoice in OS 9.2.2 but not in OS X (10.2.6). I have the latest upgrade for ViaVoice in OS X (10.2.2) and have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the application as well as checking the drive with Disk First Aid and correcting the verifications. When I try to launch the SpeakPad it says that it can't open the VoiceCenter. When I try to open of the VoiceCenter I get the spinning ball which never stops and I have to reboot the computer. I am not able to force quit the application. I am able, however, to perform ViaVoice SetupAssistant but that's about it. The sound input is correctly set to the USB microphone that came with ViaVoice. Any suggestions? Thanks. Kai-Man