ViaVoice vs. iListen

T. Patrick Henebry tphenebry at
Fri Jun 20 20:02:49 PDT 2003

>In case any of you missed it, please look at the similar situation 
>of Dragon software as described on:

That link does not tell a whole story. The Bakers were technically 
brilliant people, who unfortunately were also extremely poor business 
people. They had a long-term history of making extremely poor 
business decisions and instituting policies which made things 
extremely difficult for both customers and dealers.

By the time Dragon Systems was purchased it was hemorrhaging red ink 
in massive quantities. If it had not been purchased it would have 
ceased to exist in any event. The fact that it was purchased by a 
company guilty of massive fraud that was itself in extreme financial 
trouble was bad for everyone involved. As someone who depends on 
speech recognition and knows how important the NaturallySpeaking 
product line (particularly NaturallySpeaking Professional) is to 
those with disabilities I'm extremely glad someone stepped in to 
purchase it during the liquidation phase of L&H  otherwise a great 
many people would have been left an extremely difficult position.

To put it bluntly the Bakers did it to themselves.
T. Patrick Henebry

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