[MV] IBM ViaVoice 3 and 10.4.7

revDAVE coolcat at hosting4days.com
Wed Aug 30 10:17:43 PDT 2006

On 8/30/2006 9:16 AM, "Jonathan Levi, M.D." <drjlevi at netonecom.net> wrote:

> At 2:35 PM -0700 8/29/06, revDAVE wrote:
>> A few hours ago - I wrote an e-mail to the list manager - to fix a our spam
>> problem ... Lets see if this works

>> Just use the F8 key. I don't know if this will work on the new MPBs.
>> dkw.
> Dave's solution appreciated (although naturally,
> I'm partial to my own solution) -- but _how_ does
> it work, I wonder?

I think it's built into VV

> As to my own unanswered question why the
> backspace, Pick n commands, etc, don't get
> installed, I my try installing ViaVoice on an
> older home computer that still runs 10.3.9, then
> see if I can figure out what's installed that's
> missing on the newer system.
> But first: Can you still use "backspace" and
> "pick 1" in your current 10.4.6 setup?

Both seem to work in 10.4.6

- sometimes I might need to click a few various random windows to wake it up
first... Maybe try that......

> Many thanks and HTH,
> Jonathan

Thanks - RevDave
CoolCat at hosting4days.com

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