[MV] IBM ViaVoice 3 and 10.4.7

Paul Spilseth spils at mac.com
Thu Aug 31 18:18:49 PDT 2006

ViaVoice works fine with 10.4.7 but I also get the message, ""The  
Microphone is Being Used Exclusively By Another Application".  I  
discovered this happens when I try to turn on the microphone too soon  
after bringing it up the application.  If I wait and turn on the  
microphone after the speech pad is completely open, I do not get this  
Paul Spilseth, MD

On Aug 30, 2006, at 11:16 AM, Jonathan Levi, M.D. wrote:

> At 2:35 PM -0700 8/29/06, revDAVE wrote:
>> A few hours ago - I wrote an e-mail to the list manager - to fix a  
>> our spam
>> problem ... Lets see if this works
> Seems to have.
>> On 8/29/2006 12:27 PM, "Jonathan Levi, M.D."  
>> <drjlevi at netonecom.net> wrote:
>>>  At 10:30 PM -0400 8/28/06, revDAVE wrote:
>>>>  Does anyone know if poor old ailing IBM ViaVoice 3 works any  
>>>> worse in 10.4.7
>>>>  as it did in 10.4.6? I'd like to check b4 I upgrade...
>>>  Although the following doesn't exactly answer question, it might
>>>  still be helpful.
>>>  I installed 10.4.7 on my office computer, but went back to 10.4. 6,
>>>  not so much because of ViaVoice problems, but problems with other
>>>  applications.
>> - I am curious what other applications you had trouble with?
> Specifically, Nisus®Writer 6.0.3, a wonderful, pre-OS X word- 
> processing program that I still use heavily in my office. OS 10.4.6  
> began opening all my Nisus documents with TextEdit, destroying all  
> the formatting. I was able to work around this by appending to all  
> my Nisus documents the suffix ".nsd", then making Nisus the default  
> application for such documents, but this solution failed with  
> 10.4.7. Subsequently, a member of the Nisus Writers' List devised  
> an elegant workaround even for 10l.4.7, but by that time I had  
> switched back 10 10.4.6.
>> - I have a Canon printer -  do you think that will still work?
> Sorry, I have no idea. However, I'm sure that you could find an  
> answer to that question by searching the archives of various MacOS  
> X fora, i.e., Macintosh News and Information <Mac- 
> L at lists.listmoms.net> or any of a number of fora at  http:// 
> www.macfixitforums.com/
>>  >ViaVoice is pretty lame either way: VoiceCenter has a
>>>  nasty habit of dying abruptly with the message, "The Microphone Is
>>>  [sic] Been Used Exclusively By Another Application", plus at least
>>>  one suite of commands (containing "backspace", "Pick [n]") doesn't
>>>  get installed.
>> Here's a solution from David - that ended up being a good  
>> workaround...
>> Sometimes I have to jump between several programs and hit the f8 a  
>> few times
>> before it starts up...
>> -Email Dupe-
>> From: David K. Wehe <dkw at umich.edu>
>> To: revDAVE coolcat at hosting4days.com
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:10:44 PM
>> Subject: Fwd: Re: [MV] IBM ViaVoice 3 Having Problems In Tiger
>> Just use the F8 key. I don't know if this will work on the new MPBs.
>> dkw.
> Dave's solution appreciated (although naturally, I'm partial to my  
> own solution) -- but _how_ does it work, I wonder?
> As to my own unanswered question why the backspace, Pick n  
> commands, etc, don't get installed, I my try installing ViaVoice on  
> an older home computer that still runs 10.3.9, then see if I can  
> figure out what's installed that's missing on the newer system.
> But first: Can you still use "backspace" and "pick 1" in your  
> current 10.4.6 setup?
> Many thanks and HTH,
> Jonathan
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