[MV] DNS on MacBookPro

revDAVE coolcat at hosting4days.com
Tue Feb 20 20:13:00 PST 2007

On 2/19/2007 9:31 PM, "vlmaples at bellsouth.net" <vlmaples at bellsouth.net>

> Hi, Joe!
> I think by most standards I would be considered an advanced user on both
> platforms.  The problem with iListen is that it does not capitalize my name
> unless I give that command.

In the very old ViaVoice ... I am able to do the following:

1 -  type any text I want ( in this case it could be the correct spelling
and capitalization of your own name)
2 -   assign a special sound to that text ( in your case maybe not say your
actual name - since it does not seem to understand it - and use some other
gibberish words like: tata toozy - I know it's very silly)

3 - then save all that - And every time you say the gibberish word ' tata
toozy ' - it will spell the assign text out perfectly

Q: Is something like this possible to do with iListen?

Thanks - RevDave
CoolCat at hosting4days.com

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