[MV] Dictate?

Gavin Wynford-Jones gavinwj at wanadoo.fr
Sat Aug 30 22:45:11 PDT 2008

Not so much "wrong" as "not taking everything into account"...

Dragon Systems was founded in the early 80s and employed probably a  
couple of hundred people at its peak. I don't know how many people are  
involved in development at Nuance, but it isn't a handful... This  
means that Naturally Speaking has had immense resources thrown at it  
since its inception.

MacSpeech is a relatively young company, with few employees, and has  
had to be very prudent in order to make sure that the company survives  
and is able to keep on improving its product. (Remember, IBM tried to  
enter the Mac speech recognition market and failed miserably.)

It would be no exaggeration to say that DNS has had over 100 times the  
resources invested in it than MacSpeech Dictate when you look at the  
big picture. It has had plenty of time to mature - the first really  
usable version, though, was version 4.

Andrew and his team are developing the product at a pace that is  
consistent with the survival of the company and with the resources  
available. Whilst doing so, they also manage to attend trade fairs  
(including MacWorld, which is not cheap) and have an on-going roadshow  
around the country. They have single-handedly kept speech recognition  
on the Mac platform alive when other, bigger, companies said it was  

There is a lot more that I could say, and would like to say, but as  
Valerie points out, we take NDAs seriously.

Finally, I'm not sure what your massive investment in Mac hardware is  
meant to prove as far as this discussion is concerned...


On 31 Aug 2008, at 05:36, Arnie Rosner wrote:

> After all of this effort on my part, I am forced to resort to using   
> A PC and Dragon 10.  Now this is a product worthy of attention.  It  
> delivers on its promises as far as I am concerned.
> So please show me where I am wrong on this.  I would appreciate the  
> clarification.

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