Did you ever happen to consider that when people quote all this extraneous garbage, that people on digest mode have to wade through even reams of text? Making the signal to noise ratio of this list even lower than it already is (which isn't saying much). This isn't an issue of bandwidth, it is an issue of readibility. It would help if this list would identify messages by number in the digest index so that it would be easy to scroll to messages of interest while ignoring the frequent dreck that comes up. Many other lists I subscribe to in digest do this. Brett > >Let's put this into perspective, ma-an. That "netiquette" is outdated. >In the "damn good ol' days" a few lines actually made some sort of >difference. 9600, even 56k connections, geeks were quite aware of the >bandwidth. Bandwidth was hi-dollar. Routers were sparse and fiber was >still being patched in, and phone line time cost by the minute.